Legislative Initiatives

Description: Review public policy matters listed on several websites and contact Legislators to encourage their support. Some websites are as follows:
US Conference of Catholic Bishops Restorative Justicehttps://www.usccb.org/committees/domestic-justice-and-human-development/criminal-justice-restorative-justice

Minnesota Catholic Conferencehttps://www.mncatholic.org/ advocacyarea/restorative- justice/

Minnesota Second Chance Coalitionhttps://www.mnsecondchance.org

Prison Fellowship Justice Reformhttps://www.prisonfellowship.org/resources/justice-reform-resources/

Catholic Prison Ministry Coalitionhttps://www.catholicprisonministries.org/

Catholic Mobilizing Network (CMN) – https://catholicsmobilizing.org/

CMN’s Mercy in Action Project gives YOU the tools you need
to promote clemency for those on death row. Subscribers receive
monthly alerts about upcoming executions which include resources for prayer and advocacy: https://catholicsmobilizing.org/action/mercy-action-project

Minnesota Department of Corrections Rehabilitation and Reinvestment Act legislation initiative: https://mn.gov/doc/about/legislative-info/mrra/

Commitment: Determine how much time to commit according to your schedule. Recommended to access websites at least once a month.

If interested, you can also forward Legislative initiatives to us at TCPM for posting to help engage others to act.

Contact: Kevin Connors Email: TCPM.kevin@gmail.com

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