30 Minute Weekly Ignatian Meditation Videos

Description: This activity came as a result of the MN DOC’s response to COVID and the restriction of volunteers from facilities. Thanks to the generosity of the Jesuit Restorative Justice Initiative, (https://www.jrji.org) Fr Miguel Kennedy and Rob Garcia, we began using their texts from their 4-hour inside California prison retreats to create these weekly 30-minute videos based on the Scripture reading of the week. DVDs are mailed to MN facilities on a monthly basis. Currently we have four teams on rotation producing these videos. Thanks to MN Department of Corrections for playing these 30 minute Meditation Videos.

Commitment: Join one of the teams already organized or create your own. It can require 10 minutes to film a reading, or longer if you are able to create music, or process these DVDs.

Contact: Fay tcpm.fay@gmail.com for more information.

Example of Ignatian Meditation Video

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